This is CJ Byner checking in to Check da facts! With all the mis and dis information online it can be hard to distinguish the truth between fact and fiction.
A federal court in Canada has ruled that Dictator Trudeau was out of order when he invoked the Emergencies Act to arrest innocent civilians protesting his draconian COVID-19 mandates.
The Emergencies Act, which gave the government the authority to arrest, detain and freeze bank accounts without cause was used after a group of civilians peacefully protested in Ottawa in 2022.
In the decision released Tuesday, Federal Court Justice Richard Mosley said the invocation of the Emergencies Act led to the infringement of constitutional rights.
“I conclude that there was no national emergency justifying the invocation of the Emergencies Act and the decision to do so was therefore unreasonable,” Mosley smacked down.
Dictator Trudeau was unavailable for comment, but did send his admin assistant/deputy prime minister to emphasize that they would be appealing the decision. And while the nation’s current dear leader struggles to find a response, his loyal sheeple are actually questioning the sanity of the federal court. This shit is epic!
Green Gables Goes Black to the Future

While international human rights observers are saying the ruling on the use of the Emergencies Act may change the course of wokism in the communist state, Canadians themselves are saying that’s unlikely. In fact, my sources are gabbing that the Canadian classic Anne of Green Gables is getting a new dose of woke DEI on the orders of the Trudeau regime.
The tiny province of PEI (more like DEI—ed) where the classic coming-of-age tale about Anne Shirley (don’t call me Shirley—ed) takes place is changing the landscape of Green Gables. Literally!
Parks Canada is introducing a more inclusive cast to tell the story of the LM Montgomery character by introducing all colors of the cliche rainbow, including black, brown, and red.
In one scenario, claims a former Parks Canada employee, Anne gets her knickers in a literal knot when her trans playmate borrows them for the Green Gables fashion show. “Or when the gang learns that Green Gables is on an ancient Indian burial ground, all hell breaks loose!” he says from a Microsoft Teams meeting.
Can you say reparations?
Will Parks Canada attempt a rewrite on the authors legacy by ‘updating’ the site with more Indigenous, BIPOC and BLT+ displays that have nothing to do with the books. Is it Anne with an ‘e’ or Adam with an apple? You’ll have to bookmark GWU! to Check da facts!

A 16-year-old TikToker claims that her parents have spent around $3,000 buying her every Stanley cup on the market.
The trending water bottle, which is similar to every other water bottle on the market, is reminiscent of the old Cabbage Patch Kids days in the 80s. In fact, some kids are being bullied at school for using a fake, cheaper version of the Stanley Cup.
I guess without a vaccine to inject, we have to find something that makes us less than.
Is Stanley, a brand known to supply unbreakable flasks for workers for more than a century now just a hollow means of transporting woke gentrification? Check da facts!