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Doctor Who, Twitter and The Terror of the Woke Mind Virus

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Our so-called culture has been like this for almost a decade. Logically, you would think that such a huge push to eradicate evil would be, at least, working in some way? Most folks are decent souls, so why can’t a loving majority deal with a hateful minority? 

We have the majority of good people. We don’t walk down the street and battle hordes of spitting racists every minute, so we should be able to win right? Yes? Well, no…we’re not. Not even close it seems.

My ultimate sadness now, with the world in such turmoil, is that it seems worse then ever. Light years away from even a hint of a solution, so what the fuck is going on?

The present, ever growing situation is the complete opposite of the inclusivity that fans crave and used to safely enjoy. It is dangerous because it isolates. Divide. Conquer. You know the deal.

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And now, our fandom, the place we go to, for inspiration and security is now a place that we are leaving, in big numbers. Going nowhere.

We are faced with an inferno, perhaps one that we have contributed to, yes. Perhaps one that is being kept alive, growing because it’s trendy to talk about such things. Sensationalism is a very dangerous brew. I have heard that some poisons taste quite sweet. 

It’s a fire that rages. It has burned away our roots, the foundations of our life, our joy, and our fandoms. It is insatiable, a rabid hunger for more destruction. Once it has burned through our foundations our house collapses, then the street, the country and then the world. Global warming, yes. Emotionally, as people, how are we polluting our own oceans? What hateful sludge are we dropping into our own waters?

But what do we do?

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How do you kill a fire?

By depriving it of its life. After all, that is what it is trying to do to us. The Art of War.  You don’t give it any oxygen. Nothing can survive in a vacuum. Do we kill it by not acknowledging it? Can we ‘cancel’ racism? 

I’m not sure but considering that we don’t seem to be anywhere near an answer it’s worth considering.

After all, present day culture exiles people that are judged to be not desirable so why not? But the topic of hate is not switched off at all is it? Far from exile, it’s right on our doorstep. It’s everywhere. Odd, when you think about it, isn’t it?

On a consciousness level what would be possible if we all focused on the solution? An actual solution, not one based on well intentioned, but ultimately deluded self gain. If we don’t try to ‘solve’ the problem then we will always have the problem, which negates our biggest ambition. To be free of harmful elements such as racism, misogyny, and hateful rhetoric’s. But, as a culture, do some people want to be ‘free’ of it? 

People who want the fire to burn because this hateful inferno gives them something. People who are addicted to the chaos, creating it for their own selfish gains, as opposed to a solution.

Are we cogs in a hateful machine? Are we thinking, or just someone else’s thought? While trying to be the hero, are we really the patsy…the ‘useful idiot’ talking about racism, and the latest outrage but never considering a solution to these societal ills. We just watch it all burn…warming our hands as the inferno grows.

So, for now there will be a new Doctor Who, Star Trek, Star Wars, Batman, Superman, Snow White etc and when the news breaks, we know exactly what will happen. Rinse and repeat. 

We are not considering a way to eradicate racism. We are talking about racism, often sensationally. 

What would happen if we stopped parroting the trolls and advertising the instigators and instead, focused on an actual solution? 

Observation, perceived as useful but really self serving and useless.

Observation, committing to considering a solution.

There is a key difference. Ask yourself one question…..

Which one will bring about a way out of this hell?

When do we become the heroes that we follow?

Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, and expecting different results – EINSTEIN.


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