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15 Minute City Torn Down by 7th Grader

Student rips city officials a new (man) hole over their dystopian delusion to curb “Climate Change!!!”

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Grade 7 student Jasmin from Oxford, U.K. is just one of the many residents of southern England who is upset about how her picturesque town will be converted into a ‘15 Minute SMART City’ by 2024. The stated goal of the city is to adhere to the UN Agenda 2030 mandate of not raising the global temperature above 1.5 degrees Celsius. Oxford is one of many around the globe who will be participating in this “climate experiment.” Other cities include Paris, Melbourne and Edmonton in Canada. More recently the USA has also jumped aboard.

The dystopian wet dream of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the United Nations (UN), the 15-minute city concept pitches that everything you need would be within a 15-minute walk. This includes groceries, school, work, medical care, and recreation. This would (so the theory goes) cut down on CO2 pollution from car travel by means of controlling and tracking the city’s populace.

But Jasmin isn’t buying the globalist snake oil sales pitch. The 12-year-old, who is much smarter than climate crisis actor Greta Thunberg, is speaking out about a danger facing humanity. The danger of 15 minute cities. 

In her now viral speech the young student roasted the idea that climate change was more important than individual liberty. She spoke to a crowd of hundreds of protestors at the Stop Oxford: No 15 Minute Cities rally last month.


SMART STUDENT: This video of an Oxford, UK student protesting against her city becoming a 15-Minute open air prison has broken out of the controlled media system and gone viral.

The schoolgirls 15-minute speech against the climate cities was funny, but also deeply prophetic.

“These 15 minute neighbourhoods [are] soon to become digital ID facial recognition zones” argued Jasmin, adding that they would actually be worse for carbon emissions.

“If, for example, I went to my friend’s house in Zone 3, my parents normally come and pick me up in their car. It only takes ten minutes. So does that mean they would have to go round the ring road and back into town again? … It would take 30 minutes, causing much more pollution and leaving a much bigger carbon footprint.”

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Making the point that it would obviously not be safe for a young girl to walk home late at night, she chided the academic city planners for their simplistic and anti-privacy thought process. 

“Then they will say, ‘Oh don’t worry about that. We’ve already thought of that. You’ll be safe. We’ll have a thousand cameras on the streets following you and tracking you all the way home. Oh, uh, just remember, it’s for your safety,” she added, clearly invoking the madness of COVID-19 rules.

“What? Are you serious?…No amount of cameras is going to stop someone who wants to attack me. I want to be safe, but not to the extent that I am prepared to give up my freedom and my privacy to have it.”


YOU CAN EAT THE BUGS IN 15 MINUTES: WEF Grand Poobah Klaus Schwab is also a proponent of 15-minute cities. And merging his human body with a robot in order to live forever. Look it up.

According to the World Economic Forums website 36 cities over 22 countries are participating in so-called SMART Cities. SMART stands for Surveillance Monitoring Analysis Reporting Technology. The progressive sounding acronym is basically a digital ID which will be given to every citizen that will track and trace in real time all of their daily movements, activities, spending habits and their overall carbon footprint. Traveling outside of one’s designated 15 minute district will require a special government permit. People that go beyond their assigned geographic region will be fined. 

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Arguing that climate change is just a tool being used by governments and big business to institute more controls and squeeze more profits out of people, Jasmin implored the crowd to stand up for themselves.

CARTOON VIEW OF CITIES: This obnoxious propaganda video from the C40 Cities group promises to “make city life more accessible, sustainable & enjoyable. Ensuring that residents can meet all their needs within a short walk or bike ride will accelerate a green & just recovery.” Sure Klaus, sure.

“Climate change is being used to control us, to nudge us in the direction the greedy people want us to go. The truth is that the greedy people want total control over everything we do, everything we think, and everything we say,” she explained.


GRETA’S NEW JOKE BOOK ASKS: If a book is published that no one reads – did the trees that it was made of die in vein? Photo by @alexwoodsZ

Calling on the crowd to demand a public investigation into how the City of Oxford came up with the wackadoodle statistics the plan is based on, Jasmin joked about being “The smallest, craziest conspiracy theorist you’ve ever seen.” But warned the crowd to understand this truth: “Our government has been hijacked by greedy and selfish imposters posing as politicians. They believe they are better than us and masters over us. And until this problem is effectively dealt with, the tyranny will continue.”

According to her bio on the Stop Oxford: No 15 Minute Cities event page, Jasmin is a student who “likes to socialise with her friends and enjoys maths; flying racing drones, playing piano, and doing research.” But she warned that she and the crowd would have a much more controlled life if the 15 Minute City plot proceeds as planned.

“As a 12-year-old, I’m really concerned about my future. And to Klaus Schwab, I say this: How dare you!” laughed Jasmin at her impersonation of environmental grifter Greta Thunberg.

“How dare you steal my childhood and my future, and the future of all children by enslaving us in your crazy digital surveillance prison! We all know where this is leading. These are the first steps of a dystopian reality from 15-minute neighbourhoods. From a small seed, a huge tree can grow.”



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