After the landslide victory by Pierre Poilievre, some members of the Trudeau government are saying that their silver spoon ruler may be too woke! Liberal MPs now say their leader needs to tone down the ‘woke stuff’ if he wants to maintain his reign as supreme leader of Canada.
It’s true! During the Federal Liberal Caucus meeting in St. Andrews, New Brunswick, unnamed loyal Liberal MPs servants to Trudeau have been whispering that Justin Trudeau’s woke policies may be too extreme and it’s time for the party to wake up or expect a major defeat by Poilievre’s unstoppable Conservative Party.
The House of Trudeau Is Crumbling
“From taking a knee for the BLM fringe minority to funding drag queen story time at the local library, Trudeau has gone too far with his woke mandates,” one MP, who refused to give his name for fear of being sent to the Trudeau gulag, confessed to Woke Up!
Of course, the sentiment isn’t shared by all of Trudeau’s mob. Mark Gerretsen, MP for Kingston and the Islands, and devoted lapdog to the pretty boy Prime Minister, made the trip to the meeting in his electric car, which he documented on Twitter. Gerretsen likes to virtue signal to his boss that he believes in the climate change agenda, which the woke Liberals may have to backtrack on now.
House of the Rising Son of Conservatism
Liberal Party insiders snitch to Woke Up! that the discord in their party has grown out of almost a decade of tolerating the arrogant, preachy PM in exchange for the ‘Hollywood’ star power and electoral success that brought with him. But with the staggering blue wave of support for new Conservate leader Poilievre some Liberals are wondering if they’ll even be able to hold onto their own seats let alone the government in the next election.

“While we’ve been talking about unpopular and unscientific COVID-19 restrictions, windmills, systemic racism and pronouns, Poilievre has been listening to Canadians about things they actually care about,” confessed our Liberal insider.
Poilievre has promised to fire Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem, accusing him of failing to rein in inflation; railed against COVID-19 restrictions and the federal government’s vaccine mandate for travellers and public servants; and vowed to take on the elites. The new Conservative leader also promised to delete the ArriveCAN app from Canadian phones. (To find out how you can say No to the app, read our Woke Up! Guide to Avoiding the ArriveCan App.)
Have-Yachts over Have-Nots
“We need to reframe the message. We need to have both hands on the wheel when it comes to the economy. We dropped the ball on this,” said one MP, who spoke on the condition they not be named.
The center-right Liberal (yes, they exist!) quietly continued to Woke Up! that the party has actually been holding the economy too rigidly with both hands, feet and face on the wheel. “How far off are we from crashing the car and killing all occupants?,” she/them wonders.

Trudeau has fired back by using his government subsidized media to try to discredit the new leader of the Conservative Party. Even going so far as to encourage dinosaur reporter David Akin to heckle the new leader during a speech.
“It can only go on for so long,” said the insider. “Trudeau needs to take action if he wants to beat the new leader, instead of relying on his old dirty, divisive tricks. The Canadian people are not stupid. We need to realize that as a party, or we’re in big trouble come election time.”