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Palestinian Supporters are Clearing Landing Strips for Gaza

Left-leaning cheerleaders for the apartheid state are “waxing” poetic!!!

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It started as an online joke, but in only a few short hours western supporters of Gaza were shaving their pubic hair in a show of solidarity with Palestine. 

“We call it the Gaza Strip,” says Denise, who first proposed the idea on a private Facebook group.

You heard that right, folks! Left-leaning supporters of the apartheid state are leaving a central vertical line of pubic hair in their nether regions in recognition of Gaza. 

“We were looking for a way to support Palestine without having to say we’re supporting Palestine,” adds Denise, a software developer for an American DEI workshop provider.

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Since 2020, wearing one’s political allegiance on their sleeve has become common practice, but Denise, a bubbly brunette from Long Island, tells GWU! over Google Meet, that she “never considered that her political bravery would be located down her pants.”

The Pubic Movement Is Growing

BAZOOKA BOMBSHELL: Adult entertainer Mia Khalifa came under heavy fire for launching her support for Gaza

Body hair styling for awareness has become more popular over the last decade from Movember, which sees people growing a moustache in support of prostate cancer research, to even shaving one’s head for other cancer fighting causes. But waxing your lady garden for Gaza. You can’t be serious? 

“When I showed my partner, he was like that’s hotter than the energy weapon they should use on those terrorists!” Denise explains. “He’s a total MAGA.” 

Denise says that it’s not only women who have glided their Gillette down the grass patch. In fact, she adds that some of her male friends are showing their love for the homophobic open-air prison of Palestine by getting a quick manscape on the olde short n’ curly.

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“With the growing tensions in the Middle East moving westward it’s not as simple as adding a Palestinian flag to your bio,” explains the tech guru. “I don’t think I want my employer to know I support Gaza because I’m sure they don’t.”

Hamas in the Hand Is Worth Two in the Bush

GAGA FOR GAZA: Supermodel Bella Hadid, who grew up thousands of miles from the conflict region, has taken to social media to show her support for the apartheid state. 

In fact, critics of the pubic movement say that any type of solidarity with Palestine is a win for Hamas, whether it’s a flag in their bio or shearing the sheep wool down under. 

“I understand the division with COVID Vaccines and Ukraine, but this was an act of terror, period,” adds a father of four who spoke with GWU!

Do the Drapes Match the Carpet Bombing

SWEDISH FOR COMMON NONSENSE: Pop star Zara Larsson is singing her praises for Gaza, a region she has likely never been to or could point out on a map.

Despite the Gaza Strip trend going Facebook viral, it hasn’t yet hit local wax shops. “The landing strip, or French wax, is one of the more popular styles,” says a professional waxer who refused to give her name. “I’ve never heard it called the Gaza Strip before, but I guess I understand the reference.”

With a looming ground war that promises tens of thousands of casualties, some, including our stay-at-home dad, are suggesting that these supporters fly over to Palestine to fight, instead of “effing around in their bathroom.” 

“It’s a lot easier to sit on your couch and say what’s wrong with the world. If they want to show their support they can start by putting down their iPhones and TikToks and book a one-way ticket to Gaza,” preaches the dad-bod warhawk who supports Israel and has a flag in his bio. 

Or, perhaps, just put down their razors. 


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