With the contentious issue of gender ideology and woke indoctrination flaming up in schools since the beginning of the 2023–24 school year, it’s time for a lesson from one parent who is pushing back.
GWU! presents an unredacted interview with a brave father of three girls from Waterloo (Waterlooney—ed), Ontario who is fighting the woke education system and winning.
From his popular X social media account, Adamental Politics @Adamental2 is schooling other parents and the general public on what woke nonsense kids are learning in Canadian schools.
What are 5 things that you are telling your kids to watch out for and not comply with this school year?
We are a Christian family, we do not approve of the gay lifestyle, it is against our beliefs, and we have made it very clear to all our kids over the years that we do NOT support all the promotion of the LGBT lifestyle, rainbow flags, transgenderism, etc. So they do not participate in school Pride events. If there’s a big event in the auditorium or they are paying homage to the Pride flag outside, my kids stay home from school that day.
We also teach them the truth about systemic racism/white privilege. We tell them this is designed to make white people feel guilty so they will surrender and let other people take over. Same goes with Native land acknowledgements. It’s part of the larger anti-white brow-beating propaganda designed to make white people think that admitting some kind of racial/colonization guilt is a virtue and makes them a moral person. We’ve told them that’s all a lie and they should be proud of who they are and not feel ashamed of their European heritage or have any guilt over having an “in-group preference.”
Another thing we teach against is masking and the COVID vaccine. After this entire fake pandemic fiasco we have lost all trust in the medical system and in vaccination categorically. If they bring that stuff back this year we may pull them out of school once and for all.

Are you concerned that the wokeness will be worse this year than in previous years?
Yes, the wokeness is always getting worse. They are pushing and pushing to change the curriculum more and more to be less about Math, English, Science and Technology but rather about Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Gender and Racism. The social justice warrior woke ideology – Cultural Marxism – has absolutely infested our school systems (and Canada on the whole).

At this point it has flooded into every corner of our culture—in movies, TV shows, video games and more. There is no escape. Our kids are aware of it and the intense push our government, schools, culture and so on, are putting on them about it. They roll their eyes and move on, knowing this is not what our family believes and this is not in their best interests.
This was my biggest tweet to date, got an enormous reaction (showing how many hundreds of thousands of people if not more out there agree with us about this)
This tweet was so big it go the attention of AM 640 News in Toronto (it’s a great day for talk radio—ed) and I was invited on the air to give an interview with John Oakley, which you can hear on Soundcloud.
As a parent, what are you personally prepared to do to protect your children from left wing indoctrination?
Pull them out of the school system and homeschool them. I was ready to do that when the whole COVID scam came out and turned their school into a prison system. My wife wasn’t willing to quit her job to teach them full time so it never went that far. But that option is still on the table.
At this point our only recourse is just pulling them out of things we don’t agree with, engaging the school to opt them out of activities or assignments that are against our beliefs, and keeping them home when necessary.
Also, the school has a digital ID now too, isn’t that lovely.

Are you afraid that the school system will indoctrinate your kids into the cult of Woke?
The kids know how society is turning very woke and it is something they will have to deal with and tolerate as they get older and enter the adult world—we are ok with them having some exposure to it, as long as they are not sucked in and persuaded by it. I grew up in the public school system myself and it was never able to put a dent in my faith, I’m sure our kids will be fine.

You attended the 1 Million March 4 Children on September 2oth. What was that like?
I came away from it with little more than “Well, hey, at least we’re not alone but we’re very outnumbered.” There was no real violence or tension other than the counter-protestors hurling insults at us, calling us hateful names and giving us the finger. Everyone knows who carries the actual hatred and it isn’t us.

How did the mainstream media coverage of the march differ from the reality of your ‘lived experience’ of it?
The MSM coverage was predictable – much like the signs of the counter protestors – pushing the “Love is love” and “Love will triumph over hate” rhetoric – trying to convince the masses that they are “Protecting children against hate” by standing up against us. They purposely misunderstand and misrepresent our intentions to slander us, playing the same card they always play – the victim card.

Can you sum up why you are so ‘anti-woke’ and against the current gender, diversity and equity focus in education?
The LGBTQ propaganda in the school has become SOOO over the top and out of hand. It is a new cult with its own set of values. It has in a way filled the vacuum left by Christianity when it was driven out of the school system under the guise of “separation of church and state.” A new church is converting the masses – The Church of the ALPHABET and it is the new national state sanctioned religion. They want to ensure all kids are programmed with it so they can grow up to be good little submissive gay communists. Rant over.
Follow @Adamental2 for more political views and check out his mic dropping Christian Hip-Hop music account: @Adamental