America's #1 Newstainment Source

Phoning in the World Economic Forum

Get Woke Up! Podcast with Mad Dug & Anthony

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Jet lagged and fully indoctrinated after a week at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Mad Dug returns to South Florida and receives a pandemic-sized roasting from Anthony who takes a bug-filled bite out of Klaus Schwab’s newest slave to the 2030 agenda.

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Plus: MAID is not a service to get your house cleaned. Unless, of course, your house is your body and the government is going to kill you. Learn how L.M. Montgomery’s colonial classic Anne of Green Gables is getting a rewrite, and only the Get Woke Up! podcast has the not yet released titles.

Get ready to tune in and drop out of the War in UkraineWar in Gaza and the War on Boomers with the All HitZ AM Zoo Crew. The revolution will not be televised or hashtagged, but it will be podcasted on Get Woke Up!

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