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Mother’s Day Canceled at School by Woke Adults

Men who think they’re women on Reddit confirm not only women can give birth!!!

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Students from a Toronto, Canada, school are shocked and angered that their special Mother’s Day tribute message posted to Kew Beach Junior Public School’s outdoor message board has been removed for being ‘harmful’ and ‘exclusionary.’

The message, which was crafted by students to express their love, gratitude and respect for their mothers, originally read: “LIFE DOES NOT COME WITH A MANUAL. IT COMES WITH A MOM.” 

Only days after the heartening letters were proudly hung by students an online complaint campaign began by adults—who have nothing to do with the school. 

One student who reached out to GWU! to share their anger blamed “nosey adults who don’t even have kids that go here.” The saddened student went on to explain the intent of the message was never “anti-gay or trans or like, whatever, we just wanted to recognize our moms are important. Motherfuckers.”

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WHAT A FOUL: There was a similar pushback in the woke capital of Canada after basketball players for Toronto Raptors recognized mother’s for being the only humans who can give birth, which some people claim is completely false.

An area resident and mother of four, who should know better, told a local government-funded news agency she didn’t know if the original message was “a terribly misguided attempt at wishing folks a happy Mother’s Day or just generally the worst sign possible.” The mother made the comments on Facebook—a social media platform where everyone judges everyone else with zero self awareness. The braindead four-time birthing person continued: “I don’t feel like this represents the neighbourhood it’s in, the cohort of families at this school, or anything really,” citing the ‘non-traditional’ families in the community. 

Meanwhile on incel site Reddit Toronto and other parenting subs run by delusional men who think they are women the comments called the tribute everything from bad taste to inappropriate to mega exclusionary. 

One dissenting comment asked how pride flags are not ‘exclusionary’ at schools. It was quickly deleted and the commentator banned (Been there, done that—ed).


CENSORSHIP 101: Toronto District School Board spokepeson Shari Schwartz-Maltz told GWU! in a statement that “Grade 6 students at Kew Beach came up with the first quote collectively as they prepare for Mother’s Day this weekend, to share how much they care for and depend on their moms.” Then she had their sign removed.

The tattling teen gushes to GWU! that while coming up with the initial goodwill mom message was a totally student-led decision, the removal was done in a covert operation by the school administration under orders from the image conscious, reactionary Toronto District School Board—known for its woke gender-identity politics.

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“Grade 6 students at Kew Beach came up with the first quote collectively as they prepare for Mother’s Day this weekend, to share how much they care for and depend on their moms,” TDSB spokepeson Shari Schwartz-Maltz told GWU! in a statement.

The trickle of busybodies who emailed and called the school, has prompted the posting of a new generic message on its outdoor sign according to Schwartz-Maltz.

“Upon feedback, the school recognized that this quote does not reflect the inclusivity of our community, and took immediate steps to address the issue. The sign has now been updated with a new message of an encouraging acronym for May:

M: Make This Month Count

A: Accomplish Your Goals

Y: You Can Do This.”

The new generic ‘empowering’ message has disheartened many of the students at the school who, according to science, all had mothers.

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