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The Great Awakening ‘Documentary’ is Alt-Right, Qanon Flimflammery

'Plandemic' film put me in a coma and made me want to die suddenly!

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Before I give you my completely unbiased and impartial review on the alt-right propaganda piece ‘The Great Awakening’, I’d like to say sorry, not sorry to all my fans for my absence over the past few weeks.

With all the right-wing boycotts and cancellation attempts as reported on this very anti-Trans website I have been busier than a Hollywood based pizza delivery boy during Pride Month, bashing the fash and right wing stupidity by calling in bomb threats on my local Target for taking down their kids Pride display and by drinking as much Bud Light as humankindly possible. I might decide to transition to an alcoholic with liver disease (AWLD), but it was all worth it to own the phobes!!

Anyway, on to the review! 

It should come as no surprise that I was literally forced to watch this garbage by my MAGA Republicunt brother Kyle. Once again he is monopolizing our familx film nights, using the opportunity to brainwash our birthing persons and psychologically torture me by exposing my propaganda-impervious wrinkle-brain to alt-right, Qanon flimflammery. My delicate Leftist sensibilities were put through the wringer on this one, folx.

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Conman conspiracy theory film

EVERYTHING THE GOVERNMENT AND MEDIA TELL YOU IS THE TRUTH: This so-called documentary is actually nothing more than a dozen trope conspiracy theories poorly edited into mutated QAnnon online virus super spreader.

After awkwardly skipping through the InfoWars griftverts for brain juice, Bigfoot traps, 5G microchip detectors, tinfoil hats and flattened globes, a painfully slow 109 minute long inadvertent advert for birth control, public schooling and stronger Internet censorship began. I hesitate to even call this misinfomentary by huckster director Mikki Willis a “film”. I had opted for the brisk and breezy ‘Beau Is Afraid’, but no, Kyle had to get his way like always! Just last week I had to throw the biggest tantrum ever just to get us to watch ‘Cuties’ again!!

The “film” (ugh, sorry, Scorsese!) frames the events of the last three years through an alt-wrong lens, falsely depicting the heroic and mostly peaceful BLM protests as violent riots, the sacrificial altruism and empathetic humanity brought out by the COVID-19 pandemic as nothing but narcissistic virtue-signaling and greedy opportunism, and the earnest and wholesome efforts by our betters and experts to fight the climate crisis as an overblown, manufactured con to dissolve the middle class and gain more power over the peasantry.

I know, right?

Misunderstood frontline heroes like doctors Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, and democratically elected leaders like Klaus Schwab and Justin Trudeau are maligned and portrayed as demonic entities and Communists (of course, this only works if you view Satanism and Communism as inherently bad, and as a hardcore Socialist Atheist, I don’t). Evil villains orchestrating global events to further some sort of sinister agenda, my dick/vagina! Justin Trudeau (no relation) particular is unfairly raked over the coals for his valiant and restrained attempts to quash the Freedumb Qonvoy coup. Tragically, many Canadian folx still suffer PTSD and experience vivid and upsetting flashbacks whenever they see a bouncy castle or hear honking of any kind, but you won’t be told any of that in ‘The Great Awakening’ which is disgustingly, the third part in the trilogy of films set in the rightwing cinematic universe of The Plandemic

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Whatchu talkin’ ‘bout Willis?

WILLIS I AM: The films writer, director and narcissistic star who put his wife and kids along with his dead brother and mom in the film used to be a Democrat. But not a real one. After all, he worked on the Bernie Sanders campaign.

It is almost as if the filmmakers poured over the works of infamous Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels in order to construct the ultimate example of a propaganda film. That is exactly what flimflammery maker Willis has clumsily crafted and stitched together here; Frankensteinian film reels of bigotry and misinformation lifted from Rumble, designed to bring back G. Edward Griffin’s so-called Red Scare and threaten OUR DEMOCRACY.

The dangerous precedent set by the release of similar alt-right propaganda pieces like the problematic and wildly misinformative ‘Died Suddenly’ and Matt Walsh’s deeply transphobic ‘What Is A Woman?’ (which is currently being review-bombed with 5 stars on Rotten Tomatoes – burying my sincere and genuine 0 star pre-emptive review) have allowed the Cletuses and Billy Bobs of the far-right to cobble together and unleash this Trumpian stain on humanity and cinema. 

The name of the film – ‘The Great Awakening’ – is rather ironic, considering I was asleep for the majority of it. Kyle nudged me awake a few times, almost caving in my chest and causing Commotio Cordis with his overly sharp alt-right elbow. I’m sorry, not sorry, but I would much rather watch Disney’s absolutely stunning and refreshingly modernized live action remake of ‘The Little Mermaid’ again over this offensive sleeper hit piece any day. 

RATING: -1,000,000/10.   


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