Canada’s most read humourist since Stephen Leacock, Derek Smith, is in the running to throw some sunshine on the little town of Calgary—as its new mayor. The 43-year-old writer of the freedom movement’s most significant works of parody is a married, devoted father of three and has lived in the city for twenty-eight years. Despite his generally humorous outlook on life, Smith is mad as hell after seeing the destruction of his beloved city at the hands of current Mayor Jyoti Gondek. And he’s not going to take it anymore!
Smith pledges to sweep the woke ideology out of Calgary and clean up the city by championing human rights and respect for citizens, reinvigorating the clean oil and gas industries, and getting taxes under control for services that Calgarians actually need—rather than politically correct virtue signaling. The best-selling writer is just one of many outsiders running for political office in Canada. In Toronto, anti-mandate gym bro Chris Sky, as well as recently profiled by GWU! funnyman Ben Bankas are both campaigning for mayor.
With a diploma in Business/Marketing and the unique outsider perspective of a satirist, Smith is just the common man of the people who can bring common sense back to Calgary. Smith agreed to this unedited and unredacted GWU! interview to directly share with voters his plans to get Calgary woke up!
GWU! Unredacted Interview with Derek Smith
GWU: You’re a humorist known for the best-selling satirical books How the Prime Minister Stole Freedom, Let’s Go Brandon, One Face Two Face, Black Face Blue Face and more, why are you running for mayor of Calgary?
I have spent the better part of my life poking fun at and complaining about the decisions politicians make. The way politicians behave lately with policies while drunk with power is unprecedented. I feel now is the best time for someone who isn’t linked to politics to come in and make a change.
GWU: Your announcement to run for mayor of Calgary came as a bit of a surprise in recent days, especially since a city election is three years away. Why did you decide to announce now and do you anticipate an early recall of current Mayor Jyoti Gondek?
I never tend to rule out possibility so I wanted to throw my hat into the ring not only to begin planning as early as possible, but to also make the people aware that if things do get worse than they are in this city, that they’re going to have a choice when the next election arrives. I am also a firm believer that actions speak louder than words. Having this time gives me an opportunity to make an impact in my city and community and show just how much it means to me.
GWU: Why do you think Gondek should be recalled?
That is up to the people. I’m personally happy to have as much time as possible. We make our own luck as the Roman Philosopher Seneca quotes “Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity”.
While I do not agree with Gondek’s track record so far, I would rather the motion for recall not be influenced by myself and put forward by the citizens as it is their right.

GWU: How is woke ideology in municipal politics ruining Calgary?
I feel that the purpose of municipal government is to put policy forward that benefits it’s citizens. We are at a boiling point in this city where the homeless are addicted to drugs, flooding train shelters and attacking our citizens. People are having their taxes raised every year with nothing beneficial to show for it. These are the things a municipality should be very concerned about. Focusing on woke ideology and being worried about being politically correct rather than policy stops us from moving forward and keeps real issues festering like an open wound.

Seasoned journalists Mad Dug and Anthony Anderson are serving up an old fashioned plate of Woke Up! It’s all the news, all the entertainment, all the politics, and all served to you with a fresh slice of their delicious in-your-face humour. Mmm, I’m getting hungry!
Unacceptable Fringe satirical writer Derek Smith joins Mad Dug and Anthony on Woke Up! to discuss his latest Top 10 selling book, One Face, Two Face, Black Face, Blue Face. Listen in as they discuss everything from his first hit book, How The Prime Minister Stole Freedom to Back to the Future and Justin Trudeau’s Cuban father, Fidel Castro (in case you didn’t know). It’s a page turning classic as Elon Musk’s favourite DJs deconstruct the narrative with Preston Manning’s favourite writer.
Plus: DJ Johnny Jock counts down the most talked about stories on the Get Woke Up! website. The hits include: Online dating for the Unvaccinated, How Wokeness is Canceling Halloween, Hating Vegans, Just Stop Oil, and Presentism—as explained by our Moscow Bureau Chief S. Bicko.
This is one honking good freedom (and dum-dum) loving episode you won’t be able to put down!
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GWU: What five big issues would you tackle if elected mayor of Calgary?
First, I would move to repeal the bylaw allowing “inclusive” facilities within city properties. This bylaw puts the vulnerable and children in particular at risk.
The “no protest” bylaw would be removed. I am a firm believer in the Charter of Rights and believe anyone has the right to protest responsibly, even those that do not agree with me. The right to use your voice is important.
I would want to conduct a full audit on services such as The Calgary Police Service to ensure those that have manipulated the law or taken inappropriate direction during the pandemic were dealt with accordingly. It is the job of the police to uphold the law and Charter regardless of the situation. I am a firm believer that the Charter and due process with the law has been an afterthought for some in law enforcement. I am a supporter of the police, but only those that are there for the right reasons. We need to drop those that are there for the wrong reasons.
Spending and taxation needs to get under control. Calgary was once a booming city that now lays vacant to a graveyard of empty buildings in the downtown core. On a scale of one to ten, we are taxing people at an eleven and giving them a three. Money is being used for art projects and municipal studies and is ultimately being wasted. The current solution for the city is if we want something else and cannot afford it, we tax more. We need to spend to encourage business to come back to town and provide actual services to the city. I’m all for nice things, but much like running a household, if we can’t afford something, we have to shelf it and take care of our responsibilities first.
Finally, I would prioritize working with the province as much as possible to influence our now criminalized Oil and Gas sector. I would pull back the Mayor’s useless climate emergency declaration and push to bring business back to the city. Alberta has some of the cleanest and safest practices when it comes to Oil and Gas. I’m all for investing in alternative energy research, but we are not there yet. It is inevitable that we are going to need oil and gas in the foreseeable future. I would rather lead by example and show the world there are attractive and safe ways of producing energy while propping up our energy sector as Calgary has a seat on the world stage when it comes to energy.
GWU: You’ve mentioned on Youtube live streams your respect for all, including the LGB community but you leave out the ‘T’. Can you explain the issue around Transpeople, specifically in relation to public spaces and contact with children?
I am open to how anyone sees themselves. I do also believe when it comes to functioning in a society that we need rules and guidelines that apply to everyone. The problem with the “T” in the community is it has been almost hijacked in a sense to promote exploitation of questionable behavior. I have spoken with many members of the LGB community that have been very vocal that they want nothing to do with those that bring harm to their image.
One of the worst exploitation’s to come out of this, are the over-sexualization and grooming of children. A child’s mind is constantly developing and some of the imagery, or practices that are being put forward can affect their growth or even cause unnecessary trauma. Drag time story hour has been a hot button issue in Calgary as of late. I do not believe in using city funded properties such as our libraries when not all of the public that pays for those facilities agree with it. I also feel that regardless of what goes on at these events, they should be held on private property and for the ages of 18 and over.
When it comes to people’s safety and the safety of children, these inclusive change rooms need to go. A man entered a women’s prison in the US I believe stating he was trans despite his ex-wife claiming it was a scam and then assaulted a female prisoner.
There is no vetting process or security checks put forward in Calgary. You can simply say “I’m a woman” and walk right into their charge room and proceed to watch women and little children undress. This is not only a question of morality, but it poses a huge security risk for our children. Nothing is stopping someone with inappropriate fetishes or desires for children to simply raise their hand and make a claim of how they identify and enter the room. This is case and point how the community has been exploited and infiltrated. A line in the sand must be drawn.

GWU: What kind of support have you received from the freedom community and push back from the MSM?
I have received an outpouring of support from not only the freedom community, but from people all over Canada and around the city. It has been very humbling and encouraging that the right decision has been made to run. I have only recently announced my bid to run so no pushback as of yet. The time will come for pushback and honestly, I welcome it. I’ve done some of my best work when people have doubted my abilities or said something isn’t possible. They’re free to keep stoking the fire for as long as they choose, it only pushes me to do more.
GWU: What will you do for employees and citizens still affected by the city’s ridiculous rules on Covid-19 vaccinations?
I don’t believe when it comes to private companies that I have a say, however I would instantly repeal any requirements for vaccinations or proof of them for any city employees. Our services are backed up from the loss of good hard working Calgarians that were let go for deciding to do what worked best for them.
I am a firm believer that it is not any government’s position to tell anyone what to do with their body.

GWU: Do you think there is a sea change coming in politics with a shift back to the center after years of woke madness?
I don’t know how to elaborate more than to simply say I hope so. With people like Chris Sky running in Toronto and now my run for mayor, I can only hope it ignites people to want to make change in their communities. We hold the keys to our future so let’s start unlocking some doors with them!
GWU: Derek, we love you but GWU! readers are asking … ‘Is this a grift?’ What’s your response?
No grift. I am not doing this for notoriety, money, or self-promotion. I love the city I live in and feel it is falling apart. After being approached with the possibility of running, my wife came to me and said if things don’t change, she doesn’t feel it is a safe place to raise our kids. I’d do anything for my kids, and if I can bring back the fire of this city from the ashes and give them and other families that feel the same way a better future, then the time to complain about policy is over. The time has ultimately come for me to put my money where my mouth is and be the change.

GWU: Are we losing your unique satirical voice as an author to politics? Please tell us you’re not putting down your pen for the next three years.
It will be business as usual even during a campaign. People have told me that my books have cast a light in their homes at a dark time. While I feel a duty to represent my city, I feel the same obligation to keep smiles on the faces of those my books entertain. I’m not going anywhere.
GWU: When you win, will the celebration party be held in your gaming room and, (at the risk of GWU! sounding socialist), will people need to bring their own quarters?
Haha, my arcade is open to anyone wanting to come play a few rounds and I would never dream of charging anyone. The arcade was built during the pandemic with my kids to keep them from going crazy. Assembling them as a family and then enjoying it together kept us strong. I’m not a sports guy and games have always kept my overactive mind grounded. It’s always a guilty pleasure in there to take a minute and get level headed. I would hope a celebration would be in a larger venue than my tiny arcade, but we can definitely look into being somewhere to celebrate that has fun on the menu and shows just what I intend to bring to this city, better times.