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‘Unvaxxxed sperm is the new Bitcoin’ gushes Freedom loving Lass!!!

Single Vaxed Females Seeking PureBlood Men

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Single, successful, and considered by many to be a high seven or low eight, Lucy Namuth was only missing one thing: a family. 

“All my friends were having children, while I was focused on my career,” says the busty blonde, blue eyed 38-year-old who works on the marketing end of the adult entertainment film industry in California.

Lucy and her boyfriend of two years had been trying to conceive, but with no luck. She says it was a nightmare of fertility clinics, doctors, lotions, potions, and even thousands of dollars spent on a guru/surfer named Sandy who tried to bless their bed. Nobody could figure out what was wrong.

That was until Lucy’s boyfriend, who works as a part-time Spritzer in the same company, shared an article from a previously banned Russian website. It claimed the COVID-19 vaccine was the reason for their failed attempts at conception. 

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“Of course, my first question was what is this website?” she laughs. “But as I started to read the article, everything began to make sense.  We had both been vaccinated and boosted. We did our part to protect the community and also to be in the office to work on the campaign for Bedroom Eyes POV 3,” she says. “I didn’t know there were side effects.”

The frustration and regret of both having been vaccinated with a deadly mRNA serum caused tension between the couple and a few months later her boyfriend packed up his spray bottle and left. But what didn’t end was Lucy’s desire for a child. “I’ve looked into adoption and surrogacy, but it just doesn’t feel right for me, also my resume has some, uh, questionable film projects listed”

Population Bust Not Bang

Since 2021, the COVID-19 vaccines and boosters have seen a global fertility drop in both men and women. This side effect that vaccine manufacturers knew of but concealed with the help of Western governments were just part of a lengthy list of vaccine cover ups including heart attacks, blood clots, seizures and dropping dead at the office (frequently misdiagnosed as climate change related illnesses-ed). Since the roll out of the COVID-19 vaccines, birth rates around the world have been in a dramatic decline leading some nations to worry that populations may never return to healthy pre-pandemic levels. 

“None of this was or is being communicated to people,” says GWU! resident MD Dr. Ken Klein. “If people knew the dire consequences of the vaccine then they may have just taken a few aspirin when they started to come down with the COVID cold.” 

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Immaculate Conception Part Deux

Lucy, using her marketing skills and connections in the adult entertainment industry, set up a sexy online campaign looking for unvaccinated sperm donors. And what started as a few posts on TikTok soon garnered the attention from like-minded men all over the world! 

“At first, I was just looking for sperm donors, but now I’m thinking I may find a husband,” she gushes from her triple x-rated boardroom. 

The problem though is that not all unvaccinated men are necessarily interested in dating her. 

“I’m all for trying to help any blonde babe have a child with my super sperm,” smiles Jon, a freedom fighting trucker from Alberta, Canada. “But I don’t think my political views could align with someone who injected that junk into their body. I also don’t know what we’d even have in common if she isn’t into canning, homesteading, and discussing the apocalypse.” 

From his underground bunker, Jon confides to GWU! that he’s actually been selling his unvaccinated sperm around the world. “They say it’s the new Bitcoin,” he laughs. “To be honest, I recently left my long hauling job to take a wank at this as a new career.”

While Jon may not be the man to fill Lucy’s vaccinated hole, she believes that she’s found an answer to her baby making problem in unvaxxxed men. “Since learning of the dangers of the COVID vaccine,” she adds, “I won’t ever be getting a vaccine for me or my future child.”


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