Keeping It In the Family

Beleaguered Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has made the unbiased and completely rational choice to appoint former governor general David Johnston to probe election meddling claims.
“David Johnston brings integrity and a wealth of experience and skills, and I am confident that he will conduct an impartial review to ensure all necessary steps are being taken to keep our democracy safe and uphold and strengthen confidence in it,” Trudeau said in a media statement Wednesday.
Trudeau has described Johnston as a “family friend” and as a friend of his mother, Margaret. Johnston is involved with the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation, as a “member” who advises and helps select the board of directors. The foundation is, of course, implicated in allegations the Chinese government tried to use it to influence Justin Trudeau ahead of the 2015 election.
Presumably, no other friends of Fidel Castro were available.
TV Guide to a Mixed Word Salad

Vice President Kamala Harris visited with far left extremist Stephen Colbert on “The Late Show” this week. It was her first live appearance on the program since the 2020 election.
Colbert asked Harris about recent comments made by Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, in which he referred to the war in Ukraine as a “territorial dispute.” Harris was quick to tangle up her words into a non-answer much to the delight of the Colbert faithful. Uhggg, do we really need a rerun of WWII!?!
Sorority Sausage Party

And finally, Students at Wellesley College in Massachusetts have voted to accept applications from all nonbinary and transgender students — but campus officials at the women’s liberal arts school say there is “no plan” for immediate change.
The nonbinding referendum, which was approved on Tuesday, asked students if they supported a proposal to the board of trustees that would admit all nonbinary individuals regardless of their assigned gender at birth, CNN reported.
The ballot, which was viewed by CNN, also proposed that the college replace all “gender-specific language … in reference to its student body.”
This comes at a time when more and more cities around the globe are rejecting science and inviting men into women’s safe spaces like change rooms and athletic competitions.
With this news, many far left extremists are hoping the college will now give Michelle Obama an honorary degree, but Wellesley, who’s notable alumni includes former Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton and Madeleine Albright, did not respond to GWU! for comment in time for publication.