America's #1 Newstainment Source

Fighting The Culture Bores

Independent Comicbook Turns the Page on Woke Storytelling

Imagine a multiverse where comicbooks told interesting stories instead of preached woke lectures. Where race, religion and sexuality wasn’t the story, but a part...

Will COVID-19 Jabs Become the New Morning After Pill?

In states where abortion is now illegal, some women, including Austin, Texas resident Meghan Polly, are turning to COVID-19 vaccines for solutions. Particularly after...

How The Prime Minister Stole Freedom 

The last two years to flatten the curve of freedom has been anything but funny; however, a new children’s parody book by Calgary-based writer...

Hollywood Heels Ruining Movies 

Ah…the film classics….the champions of cinematic brilliance. It’s the way that these celluloid stories inspire the world by projecting a heroic tale. One that...

Terry Fox Tells Covid-19 Mandates to Take 5!

Terry Fox, who famously ran across Canada in 1980 with the aid of a prosthetic leg to raise awareness for cancer, is shortlisted to...

Black Thor has Marvel Fanboys Crying Racism

The Marvel multiverse just got a whole lot darker, as young, hip writers with the Disney owned publisher are being accused of racism by...

Cis White Males Need Not Apply

I’m more volatile than a Bitcoin expert working at Coinbase over the way the Woke are discriminating against white men. Why just the other day,...

Tribal Warfare in Canadaland Journalism

As a former member of the Woke Mob, the Canadaland podcast use to be an informative and fun medium for me to keep updated...

Trudeau’s Mass Graves Myth Comes to Life

After more than a year of virtue smoke signalling, Justin Trudeau's woke Liberal cabinet have failed to present clear evidence of human remains in...

Transphobia the Woke Word of the Hour 

I’m more riled up than a stray dog in a Chinese restaurant over the newest woke word of the hour: Transphobia! A few days ago...

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