America's #1 Newstainment Source


Alt-right books need to be censored

I have suspected for some time now that my chud brother has been radicalized by the alt-right. Naturally I assumed InfoWars and 4chan were...

It’s Time to Take Back Black-Only Nights with Boomer-Only Nights, Says Boomer

Love is in the air, friends! To make this Valentine’s Day special, I decided to take my beautiful Liberal voting wife to the community theatre....

Playing JK Rowling’s Hogwarts Legacy is Transphobic

My two biggest passions in life (Harry Potter, and supporting my heckin’ Trans allies) are at odds with each other, thanks to the extremely...

Changing the Weather Will Rein In Climate Change Denialism!!

Despite being part of a homogeneous hive-like social media collective centered around virtue-signaling over the pressing issues of COVID-19, Ukraine and the environmental dangers...

Who the Hell Is This Anonymous Guy, Anyway? Asks Boomer

I'm madder than a ghost being exorcized from a house they spent 25 years paying the mortgage on over the way like-minded individuals like...

Rita Hayworth and Toby Gelman’s Unvaccinated Redemption

I’m more busted up than Rita Hayworth hanging on the wall of a dirty prison cell over the way me and my unvaccinated pals...

Where’s My Pandemic Amnesty, You Anti-Vax Plebs?

As I sashayed around my bedroom transitioning for a New Year’s Eve night out with some friends that I hadn’t seen since the start...

My Truth About Disinformation

Elon Musk and his so-called FBI/COVID #TwitterFiles are not 'proof' that Twitter silenced free speech - it's proof that IT'S WORKING.

‘Died Suddenly’ Film: Documentary or Comedy?

Last night I begrudgingly joined my boomer gammon parxnts and chud brother Kyle for our weekly familx film night. Little did I know that...

Dave Chappelle’s Anti-Semitic SNL Rant Must Be Taken Seriously by Hollywood

As an avid watcher and massive fan of SNL’s hilarious satire output in recent years, I was heartbroken and severely triggered when I tuned...

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