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Woke Madness

Home Depot Drilling CRT into Employees

A Home Depot Canada training worksheet titled “Unpacking Privilege” has been leaked to Woke Up! and you won’t believe how hard they’re trying to...

On the Road to Rebellion with Mad Dug and Anthony As the horns of freedom ring throughout the Great White North, join the fearless freedom fighters Mad Dug and Anthony as they hit the...

Anti-Protest Protestors of Ottawa Told to Go Fund Themselves

In a hilarious turn of events the MacBook surfing, latte sipping, government sapping resident sucks of Ottawa are seeking a handout from GoFundMe, but...

A Hitchhikers Guide to the Truckers for Freedom 2022 Mad Dug and Anthony are hitching a ride to Freedom onboard the Canadian Trucker Convoy! While Prime Minister Justin Trudeau monitors for symptoms of...

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