Thailand has become the first country attempting to ban the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine after heir to the throne, Princess Bajrakitiyabha Narendira Debyavati, fell into a coma mere days from when she was jabbed with the deadly poison.
The Royal tragedy began six weeks ago when the 44-year-old princess and eldest daughter to the king, suffered what at the time was diagnosed as bacterial infection. Weeks later, with the Princess still unresponsive, the Royal family began to panic and doubt the original prognosis.
Bhakdi to the Rescue
It was only when desperate Thai officials summoned world-renowned German-Thai scientist Professor Sucharit Bhakdi to the Asian nation that they learned the Princesses’ tragic condition could only have been caused by the Pfizer vaccine for COVID-19.
Officials were shocked to learn that the vaccine may actually be the problem rather than the solution. The beloved princess herself had been a strong advocate of vaccination and tried to lead her people by example in getting a second ‘booster.’

The prophetic professor, who had been widely banned online during the pandemic for speaking out on the dangers of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, went public with his behind the scenes medical intervention.
“I did speak with highest-ranking advisors to the government and Royal Family, thereby explaining why Thailand could and should annul the Pfizer purchase contract,” confessed Bhakdi.
A graduate student of Asian Media studies at TMU in Toronto told GWU! that Thai government advisors and Royal officials were said to be outraged when Sucharit Bhakdii revealed the truth.
“They are royally pissed,” he tattles to GWU! “Now there’s an internal struggle going on within the Royal family itself around the issue. There’s a lot of money and pride tied up in the commitment previously made into the vaccine fairytale. The Royals don’t want to lose face, but also don’t want to appear weak by doing nothing.”
Our tell-all grad student continues: “Bhakdii explained to officials how the entire premise of the ‘vaccines’ is built on lies and is entirely fraudulent. The Thai government is now moving forward to nullify the Pfizer contracts, forcing Pfizer to pay back billions in remuneration.”

Despite the mainstream media being silent on the dangers of the vaccine, video from Project Veritas shows Pfizer’s Director of Research Jordon Trishton Walker admitting that Pfizer is participating in gain of function—an illegal and completely unethical practice of mutating and strengthening already deadly viruses. Walker also let slip in his tipsy Grindr date/interview the dirty truth of the pharmaceutical giant’s knowledge about fertility issues among millions of women who were injected with the experimental serum—known to many as #Pfertility.
Between ongoing leaks from journalists at Project Veritas and the actions of the Thai Royal family, Team Pfizer appears to be experiencing the adverse reactions of pushing an untested experimental drug on the trusting global population. As more and more countries secretly examine following Thailand’s lead in nullifying their contract with the pharmaceutical giant, including Bolivia, could a worldwide reversal on the ‘safe and effective’ mantra finally be silenced?
GWU! has been exposing the dangers of the vaccine for the past year, most recently last month when Buffalo Bill’s Damar Hamlin collapsed during a Monday Night Football game. Speculation is that the up and coming football star is vaccine injured beyond belief despite a bizarre ‘live’ television appearance at the recent NFL Honors.
“We’ve all seen the evidence on that Grindr video,” said our graduate student. “But if the MSM isn’t going to report these stories, what chance does the rest of the world have?”
And while the princesses’ condition remains bleak, her loyal Thai subjects pray that the Royal family will do the right thing and defend the country by going to war with Pfizer.