With Pride Season well underway, educators are using the opportunity to further indoctrinate children into taking a nutty bite of their fruitcake ideology.
Now, before you say: “But that could never happen to my child! My child is too smart to be wooed by a man who thinks he’s a woman or a woman who believes men can get pregnant and breastfeed.”
Well, think again! Your child may be just as vulnerable as the next impressionable minor to these inclusion groomers.
Lucky for you GWU! has done the research and is ready to reveal the six deadly signs your child is being indoctrinated by the Pride Agenda.
Pole Envy

If your child gets overly excited in anticipation of the raising of the Pride flag at their school you might want to check them for signs of Rainbow Fever. This social contagion coincides with ritualistic clapping in a circle, introducing themselves to their classmates as They/Them, and suggesting you wear a blonde wig during bedtime story time.
Dying to be an Individual

If your perfect little angel comes home with purple hair and a surly attitude it’s a sure sign that pride is at the root of their personality makeover. While this could just be a passing fad the best way to tell is to find out their views on communism, Palestine, and their friends chopping their bits off.
Swiftie Superfan

If your kid is a bit too ‘into’ Taylor Swift for a 10-year-old boy, he likely has too many versions of the female artist’s songs on his Spotify account. Just like the CIA taught us with their MK-Ultra mind control experiments, the best way to brainwash a subject is to overload their visual and auditory senses with ideological garbage on a loop. “No son, I’m not buying you Taylor’s version of LSD.”
Turning the Page on Transgenderism

When you find a handwritten list of every dragtime story hour in the city in your child’s primary school agenda—it’s time to make a plan to tear out the Pride Agenda. Deal with the issue calmly and rationally. Closely examine the writing. If it’s in cursive, 9 out of 10 times it’s not your Internet era child’s handwriting at all, but their teachers.
Twink in Bio

Does their TikTok bio have more than ten words in it? This unnatural use of social media includes listing: genders, hobbies and geo-political position on the Drake / Kendrick Lamar beef. Just as it’s always been, the desperate need young people have to identify as an individual—is always acted out by copying what everyone else is doing.
Stupid Flag

When the next ridiculous color or symbol gets added to the Pride flag your child defends the move. After years of subliminal training by corporations posing as allies your child believes that pride is a virtue, not a sin … so long as Bank of America, Verison and Burger King and say so.