America's #1 Newstainment Source

The Get Woke Up! June 2023 Newsletter

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Love of Money Is Love

SAY CHEESY: Pride Parades throughout the world boasted the milestone of the first time where the number of straight people with cameras outnumbered actual gay people, thanks to a month-long MSM “Love is Love” propaganda rollout.

As we countdown the hours until the end of Pride Madness month, we can’t help but reflect on what a nightmare it was for everyone… including gay folks (I mean, seriously, was that ONLY 30 days?—ed). From school children being forced to raise the Pride Flag, listening to men in dresses read stories, and fake dicks in the media we welcome the brewing Transession.

Our GWU! reporters were on the streets of Toronto from Gay morning (2:00 p.m.) until Gay afternoon (10:00 p.m.) covering all the highlights and lowlights of a Pride parade that featured more hetrosexuals than gay folks… and the odd protestor (Looking at you, Gelman—ed).

Despite all the rainbow-flavoured madness, our quiz How Transphobic Are You? was a bleached anus in a rather dark month of exposing aging genitals. If you haven’t done so, please try it (the quiz, not the anus bleaching—ed). In other news, Media Monkey filed this report explaining how companies that are scoring major points for going woke are following a carefully crafted Transgenda. Our favourite TERF ape also helped those confused by all the gender bending with a helpful guide explaining How to Identify a Them/Them.

Don’t forget to check out the Top Ten TV and Film Characters You Never Knew Were Trans!

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Never Say Sorry

TWO THUMBS UP: John C. A. Manley crafted a poignant fictional novel based on the real science fiction of the world around him in Much Ado About Corona. We’ll have an exclusive Get Woke Up! Podcast interview with John later this summer.

The pandemic may be over… for now, but the BoatRawker’s hilarious music parody videos that throw the overblown pandemic overboard will get you jamming about jabb’n! Check out his Unredacted interview with entertainment columnist Clammy J. Byner.

Syndicated newspaper columnist Toby P. Gelman dusted off his library card and interviewed John C. A. Manley about his book Much Ado About Corona–A Dystopian Love Story. The interview was such a hit that it was picked up by both Global Research and Activist Post.

In the spirit of extreme left wing attacks on some of our favourite truth tellers, like Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson and ALF, we released a guide to help you never be canceled. The first tip is to never say sorry!

A Great Awakening

WHATCHU TALKIN BOUT WILLIS: In some schools white students are receiving something called an ‘N-word hall pass’ from Black students.

Op-ed columinst, Toby Gelman was madder than a professional ball player being sent to the minors for boycotting stores that sexualize minors in his stinging commentary “Get Your Rainbow Flavoured Sausage Out of My Ass, Says Boomer.”

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In race relations news, white parents at an Upstate New York high school are crying foul over the way Black students are selling the N-word to white students… on Juneteenth of all days!

And Doreen was back with her scathing review of the new film The Great Awakening, which ultimately proved the point of the film.

What’s Coming Up at GWU!
Summer is here and that means only eight more weeks of Pride Season. Just kidding, we’re sure even the most woke have had enough of discussing genitals to last a lifetime. As you head out on a vacation to use that well-earned carbon credit, and Toronto residents head into a full Chinese dictatorship after an election that GWU! does not accept, keep your eyes peeled to the only website that’s not afraid to pull the mask off of the climate scam forest fire air quality agenda,

From the Desk of Our Publisher:

Readers, as I sip a café con leche eagerly anticipating a summer of traipsing through the Spanish countryside with only a copy of Orwell’s Homage to Catalonia, my credit card, and thousands of Hilton rewards points, I assure you that my dedicated GWU! staff will be working hard in the dystopian hellscape of North America to continue to bring you the greatest podcasts, inspired interviews, wacky quizzes, and breaking the narrative stories that you won’t find anywhere else.

This doesn’t come cheap, though. That’s why your support means everything to helping a counter culture operation like this survive and flourish. As a US Army Vet and former caption writer for American Media Inc., I urge you to consider helping us bring you more great, exciting content by donating today.

Hasta luego!

From the arrivals gate at Aeropuerto Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas, I remain,
JJ McRoberts — President and Publisher of GWU! Infotainment Division, Media Monkey Ink.


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