Recently, GWU! polled our readers to countdown the ultimate list of the most-based babes of FREEDOM. Despite the MEGA popularity of the list that was developed with the input of certified GWU! Wokesperts, we received extensive complaints from woke left men and women in masks about our bias. In the name of equity, GWU! has now let the dog out of the bag with our Ugliest Women on the Left.
While these women may not all be physically ugly, their political daftness, Karen-like mannerisms, and all-out unbeddable™ fringe minority views were all factors in them making the cut to be canceled with our ultimate list, as chosen by you!
10. Jacinda Ardern

A proponent of climate change and insane COVID restrictions, many saw her appearance ‘decline suddenly’ as she reigned over the small island nation of New Vaxeland during the so-called Pandemic. As Patient Zero in terms of dental health our Wokesperts theorize that all the constant sniffling, nose touching, and erratic decision-making she displayed may indicate that she was not coming from a “clearheaded” place.
“Her recent post to Harvard where she will focus on the study of online extremism, has led many public-health experts to speculate if she’s suffering from paranoid delusions—a side effect of many class A narcotics, including the horse tranquilizer Ketamine.”
Numerous jaunts with polo partner Justin Trudeau on his tax payer funded bachelor party private jet, has jockeyed betting odds that Ardern spent more time in the airplane bathroom than racing against climate change and misinformation.
9. Joy Behar

As host of ‘The View’ the big mouthed Behar is never shy to discuss serious issues such as her mental health problems. One of the first people in America diagnosed with TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), Behar often brings up her condition with her long suffering co-hosts, even when they are talking about something totally unrelated.
“Joy is a longtime D, so her support of Biden and all things left wing is a given, like her hacky jokes,” punchline our Wokesperts. “Jokes so bad that even fellow communists on the show; Whoopi Goldberg and Sunny Hostin, roll their eyes.”
8. Ilhan Omar

Omar and her family, including her brother/husband, emigrated to the U.S in 1995 from Somalia. Young Ilhan absorbed everything she knew about her adopted country from television, particularly her favorite show SeaQuest: DSV.
Set in the near future the NBC science fiction series dealt with complex issues ranging from the environment to racism to geopolitics.
“Through SeaQuest, Omar saw how managing the planet through socialism could work as envisioned in the fictional UEO (United Earth Oceans Organization). She also learned about the serious dangers of racism in that one episode about the genetically altered fish janitor.”
Omar’s commitment to her local SeaQuest fan club spawned into her eventual role in politics, becoming a member of the left leaning ‘Squad’ in the U.S. House of Representatives.
“People don’t generally know this, but Omar originally asked AOC to name their socialist gang of Democrats ‘The Squid’ in honor of her favorite monster of the week in the disastrous, but fan favorite season three reboot of SeaQuest: 2032. AOC didn’t go for it, of course, asking Omar if she had water in her brain.”
7. Liz Cheney

“January 6 will be to many folks as Day 6 of Dry January, except for Liz Cheney who used a peaceful protest that questioned a rigged election to further her political aspirations,” predict our Wokesperts. The daughter of former presidential Pet Goat whisperer Dick Cheney and fellow sufferer of TDS, Liz has used her rather large political rump to straddle both sides of the ideological spectrum.
“From doctoring footage to make a group of peaceful men look like a ravaged BLM riot, to ignoring FBI agents who dressed up as Trump supporters to cause bodily harm, Cheney is one of the ugliest women in the District of Criminals!”
6. Emma Watson

This Muggle transmogrified from a loveable girl next door to a two dimensional woke antagonist when she turned the page on common sense. Our Wokesperts explain that the magic of Hollywood must have cast a spell on Emma just after finishing starring as magic student Hermione Granger in seven career changing Harry Potter mega films.
“Despite the creative work of J.K. Rowling magically depositing gold into the young actresses bank account, the witch threw a hex on the outspoken author after she dared to speak out against radical transideology.”
Despite publicly disavowing herself of the award-winning 600-million book selling author, the non-wizarding world has cast a hex on Watson’s career. “She hasn’t worked for the past five years. Talk about Avada Kedavra!”
5. Anna Kasparian

The prettier mouthpiece of left wing YouTube chat show The Young Turks has gone from being a collectivist to a capitalist the last few years. Kasparian started her career on Youtube as an ideological leftist and eye candy sidekick to Cenk Uygur. But when the reality of being an adult and actually paying for stuff sunk in – her pretty face became a petulant scowl. Kasparian has railed against the financial hardship of retrofitting her California condo to allow for electric vehicle charging and dumped on the left’s obsession with ‘garbage’ identity politics, declaring emphatically: ‘I’m done’.
That’s funny, most of her male viewers say the same thing after watching the tank topped ‘journalist’ with the sound and their pants off.
Despite Kasparian’s recent questioning of left wing lunacy our Wokesperts wonder: “Does a tigress ever really change her stripes?”
4. Maxine Waters

A long time advocate of affordable housing and minority rights, Little Maxies real interests have always lay in economic empowerment, explains our Wokesperts. “Specifically when it comes to her family. The Representative of the 43rd district has been accused of funneling money to her husband, daughter and grandson. Of course she has been totally cleared of any wrongdoing by her Washington buddies.”
Waters famously exercised the peaceful mantra of the far-left during the presidency of Donald Trump, calling on the public to boo his appointees out of restaurants.
“If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” she famously fumed.
“There’s the tolerant left for you,” laughs our Wokespert.
3. Ellen Page

Young Ellen Page had it all: fame, money, and a platformed voice to spout to her millions of followers about climate change, BLT+ rights, and other wacky left-wing issues. But after going for years with an undiagnosed mental health illness, we’ve seen Page transform from a beautiful woman into something that, well, even we can’t describe what she is now.
“From publicly chopping off her breasts to writing a book where she claims to be a he, to feuding with fellow Canadian moron Jordan Peterson, the world has witnessed the all too familiar rise and fall of a child actor who once had the world in her soft, feminine hand,” lament our Wokesperts.
Regarding ‘Elliot Page’ they add: “Is there something in the Hollywood water?” (Yes, it’s called estrogen—ed)
2. Rachel Maddow and his Twin Sister Stephen Colbert

Rachel Maddow, host of the aptly named “The Rachel Maddow Show”, is best known for spreading disinformation about Covid vaccines and the Trump Russiagate hoax. A life-long faux socialist who makes 24 million per year for leaving her luxury penthouse in Manhattan once a week to talk out of her ass on MSNBC for an hour.
Maddow’s twin sister (and also a lesbian judging by her haircut—ed) Stephen Colbert is just as ugly as Rachel. The formerly funny and truth telling Colbert (back when he hosted Comedy Centrals’ satirical The Colbert Report) sold out his so-called Catholic values the second he moved over to CBS as host of The Late Show. Colbert famously hosted the unfunny talk show from his living room without the benefit of a TV crew or writers during the so-called pandemic. Not satisfied with sucking enough, the glasses wearing goof became a big pharma shill as soon as the clot shot became available. Now we know what you’re thinking, ‘she’s’ actually a ‘he’ and doesn’t belong on this list. Okay, you got us. But come on, he is a big old liberal pussy!
1. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or AOC as she’s known to her fans, haters and people who can’t remember her name has a reputation for saying some pretty dumb things—while still looking sexy. Never shy with her use of social media to reach her audience of adorning fan girls and males 18-105, the 21st century politician may not have mastered precisely how innovation and technology works. Our Wokesperts have only one question: “Are her live streams considered an OnlyFans page?”
Born and raised in the Bronx, this Puerto Rican princess often attacks the very system that has enabled her and her Squad to runway dreams of designer socialism. The contradiction is certainly taxing, which makes AOC put the U in ugly.