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Top 10 Cringiest COVID-19 Vax-Scenes

GWU! Falls on The Propaganda Needle - That Way You Don’t Have To  

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The relentless, mindless and insane media push for vaccines is dying suddenly. But GWU! has decided (against our doctors advice) to keep the aging creep show alive just a bit longer to prolong the propaganda maker’s suffering. 

With a bottle of whiskey by our side and all sharp implements in the GWU! office safely out of reach, we took the plunge. As we went through these videos, we had two major questions:

1 Why are they all so cringe?
2 How the Hell did anyone fall for this painfully blatant brain washing?

Stay tuned as we perform a full autopsy; shoving a ventilator down Stephen Colbert’s throat, a hand up Elmo’s ass, and fist down Theresa Tam’s stocking. It’s time to put a pause on these Big Pharma boosters as we eulogize the cringiest, evilest and most vomit-inducing propaganda that was injected into our eyeballs during the “vaccine” rollout, that way you don’t have to.  

10. Former US Presidents Deliver Group Project On Getting Vaccinated

Why are three mass murdering psychopaths telling us to get vaccinated? It doesn’t inspire confidence. Did they shoot this under duress? Certainly looks that way, with how stiff they all seem. Stiffman syndrome? 

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Look closely at timestamp 0:16. Is that Klaus or a WEF Lizardperson hiding behind one of those pillars sending telepathic threats of releasing compromising photographs on a certain island with a certain someone? 

9. Free burger and fries with every vaccination! Says host of New York Community Television show

What’s the value of your self-worth and medical privacy? For some New Yorkers in 2021, it was the promise of a free burger and fries. In this short community television video, New York mayor Bill de Blasio gorges down on a burger he’s offering in exchange for getting the jab. 

He appears to be experiencing orgasmic delight at the thought of his pea-brained peasants being dumb enough to get vaccinated for a free Happy Meal. The contempt politicians have for the people they’re supposed to be working for is palpable. 

There’s no greater proof that they hate you and want you fat and dead. Cause if the vaccines don’t kill you the cholesterol sure will.

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8. Botoxed skeleton sings about getting the vaccine

Oh, our mistake, that’s just Dolly Parton recycling her song “Jolene” to trick people into getting vaccinated. The whole thing is so infantilizing. And that’s not because we’re fixated on her breasts. This isn’t 1980 and nothing weird is going on in the rumpus room with the well worn VHS copy of 9-5. Honest, Mom.  

The only way one could possibly enjoy this updated ditty by this brain dead titty would be to drive a railroad spike through your frontal cortex. And even with that makeshift lobotomy you would still feel your  intelligence was being insulted. Who knows what diaper wearing, thumb sucking, porridge-brained troglodyte this was intended for. GWU! can only guess they’d get vaccinated with or without this has-been harpy and her warbling country twang assaulting the public’s senses and polluting the air with the methane gas leaking out of her celebrity sacks.

7. Toronto Public Health Aborted These Stillborn Ads

These were so bad that the vaccine-obsessed creeps who made them had to take them down after less than 24 hours. The ads target their favorite demographic: children. As GWU! first reported, the ads were a blatant attempt to guilt and shame parents into getting their children vaccinated. The series of short ads show young children missing out on normal things due to the fact that they’re – urp, gonna be sick – UNVACCINATED. 

Never mind that the kind of spineless scum who would restrict their kids from going outside or visiting their grandparents would have gotten them jabbed as soon as humanly possible anyway. That fact alone pretty much guarantees that there was actually no audience or need for this propaganda beyond enraging those of us who see through this bullshit. Oh, Canada!

6. Big Bird and Elmo Learn About Myocarditis

Hi, kids, do you like myocarditis? F is for … Fucks sake. This one is pure evil. Using the loveable puppet cast of Sesame Street to “Edutain” (read: Brainwash) children about the clot-shot, with the ulterior motive of appealing to the impressionable smooth-brained parents hovering over their child’s shoulder as they watch this childhood nostalgia-bait on their phones, is beyond sinister. There’s a major Jonestown vibe as Big Bird gets led off by his Grandma to get his shot. 

When Dr. Sanjay Gupta offers Big Bird calming words of encouragement, with his cold, dead, Covidian eyes glistening with psychopathic Pfizer joy it really makes you wonder – when did Gupta become such a muppet?

5. Coked-out Mrs. Claus and Theresa Tam RAP About Vaccines

Ah, the banality of evil. Once again, they’re targeting kids in this one, because, you know, that age demographic is super at risk for Covid. The acting is really poor here, but that might be due to the fact that Mrs. Clause is “up to date” on her vaccinations, so let’s give her a break. Who knows what side effects she’s currently experiencing? That post-jab brain fog can be a real bitch, right Theresa? 

It’s good to know that Santa got his latest booster; we can rule it out when he dies suddenly. Ho. Ho. No.

4. No Lockdowns Anymore (Until We Change Our Minds)

Aaa– ahhhh– the– the propaganda – ungh– it’s– it’s working– MUST– GET– VACCINATED–!! Who knew it only took the dulcet, patronizing tones of human hemorrhoid James Corden and Ariana Grande to change our minds and roll up our sleeves? Sounds ridiculous but that’s clearly what they thought would happen when they aired this dystopian musical trash. 

Corden was universally hated prior to the release of this, and it certainly hasn’t done him any favours whatsoever having been pushed out of his low rated American late night show. Maybe if he’d have done more sponsor pleasing bits where his fat little baby body pranced around a huge picture of Dr. Mengele,  er… Fauci – he’d still have a job selling the jab. 

3. Vax Date Goes Down Under

They really pulled out all the stops to make Moloch proud with this one, didn’t they? The creepy globalist agenda is on full display here, the whole thing being a woke checklist. 

Lesbian couple, teen dating what/they/them/zur appears to be an adult, rainbow carpet, masks, diverse cast, vax passes, Illuminati symbol on the groomer’s t-shirt, cringy hair flicks… it’s all accounted for. This no doubt appeared on every Tik-Tok addicted zoomers ‘your page.’


Some of the GWU! staff were on the fence about getting the jab until these condescending, fish-faced, childish asshole doctors spoke down to us, told us they were smarter than us, compared the Covid woke-poke to the polio vaccine, flipped us off, and demanded we get the vaccine. While it may have worked on Doreen, (if she hadn’t already been jabbed half a dozen times, even back then) it made everyone else in the GWU! newsroom absolutely positive they will NEVER get this shit. 

This Milgram experiment with a laugh track ends with a disclaimer saying “Brought to you by people who are smarter than we are.” How utterly patronizing. Well, they were wrong, we were right. GWU! would love to see an update from these loathsome ‘experts’, or possibly see them thrown in jail with their medical licenses revoked. But since they’re vaccinated doctors, they’re probably already dead.  

1. Stephen Colbert’s Vax-Scene Show

Colbert is the undisputed King of Cringe when it comes to vaccine propaganda. This shameful shiller should be preserved for future generations to study and marvel at, in much the same way as disgusting USSR and Nazi propaganda. If you want to know what a previously devout Catholic selling their soul looks like, then look no further than 11:35 PM weeknights on CBS. 

With this broadcast gem, Stephen Colbert has ensured he will go down in the annals of television history as a creepy Big Pharma shill and enemy of the people, complicit in one of, if not THE greatest crimes against humanity ever committed. Hope the paycheck from Pfizer was worth it, Stephen. Not a bad dancer though. 


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