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Trudeau’s Mass Graves Myth Comes to Life

How the Biggest Fake News Story in Canadian History Could Cancel PM

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After more than a year of virtue smoke signalling, Justin Trudeau’s woke Liberal cabinet have failed to present clear evidence of human remains in the so-called residential schools unmarked graves ‘genocide’. 

And some are calling for the end of this woke witch hunt! 

“One year ago we were told about the hundreds of children whose remains were discovered in the long-shuttered Kamloops Indian Residential School,” says our DIE expert Franklin Moonbeam. “But there hasn’t been anything more than that.”


What was once an international headline has now come under fire as to whether any of it is even true. The alleged burial ground, which is said to include 215 bodies—some as young as 3-years-old — was located with the help of ground-penetrating radar. The number of bodies was based on irregularities in the ground by the radar waves.

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The same technology has been used in other parts of the world, but standard best practice requires that only after an exhumation can the irregularities become fact. Trudeau and his legacy state-funded media have failed to deliver any evidence, and instead continue to perpetuate a theoretical narrative. 

PHOTOBOMBER: Justin Trudeau, who was elected with a mere 30% of the popular vote last fall, takes a knee a for the so-called “murdered” children; however, after more than a year Trudeau has failed to present any evidence of this so-called massacre.

In fact, Justin Trudeau, who was elected with a mere 30% of the popular vote last fall, mourned the so-called murdered children and even ordered the lowering of Canadian flags for an excessive amount of time. He applauded the removal of statues attributed to residential school founders, and endorsed the renaming of streets, which were honoring so-called “colonizers.”

The love child of former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, Trudeau was also photographed placing a teddy bear on an unmarked grave, which actually turned out to be an abandoned Catholic cemetery that was hundreds of miles from any residential school.

“But now,” says Moonbeam, “People are beginning to question the legitimacy of these claims. Where are the remains? This could very well be fake news!”

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With no bodies and little evidence aside from a tech gizmo, the government and state-funded media has allowed the story to take on its own narrative. Much like when street thug George Floyd passed away while trying to rob a convenience store, anyone who questions the official narrative is deemed a racist, or the undefined white supremacist.

“In Canada you just can’t question indigenous leaders or even politicians,” adds our born again anti-woke expert. “It became apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic and grew from there. The media accepted the story as fact and never questioned it.”

The so-called discovery has further resulted in changes in public education, statue toppling, public apologies, protests, millions in government aid, and even a federal holiday on September 30. All because a piece of sonar equipment showed irregularities. 

Moonbeam agrees, though, that if we do see clear evidence of murdered children then it will be a justified tragedy, but he says that currently much of the evidence through the Truth and Reconciliation Committee (2008-2015) points out that students died of a number of issues including illness, accidents, and even foul play.

“Trudeau and his state run propagandists in the media have painted this as the site of a horror film, but the reality is that a lot of people enjoyed the education they received at the residential schools, and felt like they got a chance that they otherwise would never have had.”


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