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Justin Trudeau Wishes Happy Fathers Day to … Fidel Castro !?!

Justin time for Fathers Day Woke Up! is delivering the news about Justin Trudeau's possible parentage. The long-running theory that Justin Trudeau is actually...

Woke Up! Wednesday Mad Dug and Anthony have removed their freedom muzzles and pity the fool who's worried about the next so-called BA variant. Get ready for...

Trudeau Loses. Truckers for Freedom Win!

The Trudeau government has surrendered to the horns of freedom. Months after the historic Freedom Convoy Protest against vaccine mandates began, the government has...

Trudeau’s Mass Graves Myth Comes to Life

After more than a year of virtue smoke signalling, Justin Trudeau's woke Liberal cabinet have failed to present clear evidence of human remains in...

Top 5 NBA Cry Babies – Playoff Edition! 

In the sports world there is nothing more satisfying than seeing a grown man having a full-on temper tantrum on the playing field. We’ve...

5 “Craziest” COVID-19 Twitter Doctors

Doctors on Twitter have isolated the scientific fact that education doesn’t equal intellect online. From obscurity to internet fame in just two years our...

Bob Moran’s Freedom Cartoons Get Woke Up

Political cartoonist Bob Moran’s satirical illustrations may be among the most circulated and censored freedom art in the world. You’ve likely seen his controversial...

Light Haul for Ottawa Anti-Freedom Protestors 

The MacBook surfing, latte sipping, government sapping residents of Ottawa have done it! As first reported by Woke Up! in February 2022, the ‘Anti-Protest...

Canada’s 10 Most Hated Politicians (1-5)

Public trust of politicians in Canada is at an all-time low according to a recent Twitter survey. After years of gas lighting the public...

I Survived COVID-19 and Here’s How You Can Too

By Mad Dug Duchamp – A special to Woke Up! The night Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the 94th Academy Awards, I felt sick...

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