America's #1 Newstainment Source

Woke Madness

Merry Christhamas!!!

I don’t know about y’all but Xmas is always the worst time of year for me. The consumerism. The cringe family get togethers. The...

Majority of People Don’t Trust MSM News

How well do you trust the mainstream media? GWU! asked its readers in a random controlled study.  “Zero. They’re in it for the clicks, or...

Will A&W Go Woke?

Fast food restaurant A&W, known for its wholesome small town charm and loveable ‘Burger Family’ is struggling in a post-Covid, recession economy. The 103-year-old...

Quiz: How Little Do You Trust the Mainstream Media?

You know that all the news that’s fit to print is just a cog in the never-ending government-funded propaganda machine. From local news to...

Osama bin Laden Creates a Content Masterpiece for TikTokers!

Remember Osama bin Laden? The same one who was totally 'killed' by Obama back in 2011. Well, Osama, a former employee of the CIA...

5 Ways to Support MCU Film The Marvels Without Paying to See It

Like most of y’all, the cost of living crisis has hit me hard. It’s gotten so bad that I’ve had to sell my Funko...

Letter to the American People by Osama bin Laden

Despite the heavy censorship online by the Internet Industrial Complex, GWU! has decided to publish the explosive content of Osama bin Laden’s Letter to...

Pardon the Gazaruption, says Boomer to Hamas Hipsters

I’m madder than a doctor without a passport at a border, over the way these woke Liberal leftists are blocking traffic, holding up banks,...

Tradwife Estee C. Williams Tell All

Estee C. Williams, 25, has the secret recipe for how to be a perfect wife and according to the popular social media star it’s...

Going to War for Palestine Against the Terminally Online

After a brief period of intense soul searching, I have finally decided on what flag I’ll be putting in my X bio. It seems...

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