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Experts Agree: Jordan Peterson Could Easily Be Next Prime Minister

Could he drive the Truck Trudeau movement to victory?

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You don’t have to have been living under a truck for the last three weeks to know that Dr. Jordan Peterson has been tearing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a new one on Twitter. The Doctor of No Liberal Nonsense has tweeted everything about Trudeau from: “He is fighting the invisible demons of his own juvenile imagination” to “When people as far-sighted as @gmbutts are advising @JustinTrudeau how could we possibly go wrong :(.” 

And these statements of fact have left many political pundits speculating that the multi-talented Jordan Peterson could be following his own 12 Rules for Life and make a run for Canada’s top spot on Parliament Hill.

Ambassadors for Freedom on the Road to Rebellion Mad Dug and Anthony drive a wedge into the heartless beat of tyrannical dictator Justin Trudeau’s loveless mandates in the hit new podcast, Woke Up!

“He for sure has the support,” says our Get Woke Up! political strategist. “JP has almost 2.5 million Twitter followers. The son of infamous Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, Justin Trudeau’s entire party only got 5 million votes in the last election!”    

Peterson, a darling of the right who is actually more of a centrist (but don’t tell his supporters), is no stranger to controversy and standing his ideological ground. First known for his dissenting views on gender and left-wing politics, the gasbag of oil country recently took a jab at the pandemic response debate that has seen Canada thrown into a virtual civil war of freedom lovers vs. lockdown bootlickers. 

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“Peterson tells it like it is,” adds our strategist. “People are tired of the same old ivory tower, philosopher types gumming up the engine of this country. They need a real person, someone who speaks the language of the everyman. Honk Honk!”   

A master debater, professor, author, clinical psychologist, podcaster and smooth jazz vocalist, Peterson is said to be just the man who can steer this country away from the Globalists who are trying to sail the Great White North into evil German Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset 2030.  

Klaus Schwab – Founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum
and predictable James Bond villain

“Known for his fiery takedowns of socialism, radical gender politics and support of the Freedom Convoy, Peterson is seen by many as a star name that could carry the Conservative Party, the PPC, hell, even the Greens to victory,” pontificates our unbiased strategist.

Whatever his decision, and with a snap federal election on the horizon in the wake of the Liberal-NDP alliance collapse due to the Emergencies Act debacle, Canadian’s should remember Peterson’s own words … “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, Bucko.”   


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